适合妈妈的华为手机铃声 :囧囧囧,发现一首唱小JJ的歌,其实适合做手机铃声哈

太平洋在线 163 2

看电影《猪头逛大街2》的时候,发现了这一首超级彪悍、无敌恶搞的《My dick》适合妈妈的华为手机铃声

  至于怎么个彪悍法适合妈妈的华为手机铃声 ,各位看官,请看歌词

  “我的鸡鸡要收过夜费适合妈妈的华为手机铃声 ,你的鸡鸡有Hiv;我的鸡鸡比桥大,你的看起来像小娃娃……”

  My dick cost a late night fee

  Your dick got the HIV

  My dick plays on the double feature screen

  Your dick went straight to DVD

  My dick- bigger than a bridge

  Your dick look like a little kid's

  My dick- large like the Chargers, the whole team

  Your shit look like you fourteen

  My dick- locked in a cage, right

  Your dick suffer from stage fright

  My dick- so hot, it's stolen

  Your dick look like Gary Coleman

  My dick- pink and big

  Your dick stinks like shit

  My dick got a Caesar do,

  Your dick needs a tweezer, dude

  My dick is like super size

  Your dick look like two fries

  My dick- more mass than the Earth

  Your dick- half staff, it needs work

  My dick- been there done that

  Your dick sits there with dunce cap

  My dick- V.I.P.

  Your shit needs I.D.

  It's time that we let the world know

  Dude, you gotta let your girl go

  D.S. is the best in the business

  P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

  It's time that we let the world know

  Dude, you gotta let your girl go

  D.S. is the best in the business

  P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

  My dick need no introduction

  Your dick don't even function

  My dick served a whole lunch-in

  Your dick- it look like a munchkin

  My dick- size of a pumpkin

  Your dick look like Macaulay Culkin

  My dick- good good lovin'

  Your dick- good for nothin'

  My dick bench pressed 350

  Your dick couldn't shoplift at Thrifty

  My dick- pretty damn skimpy

  Your dick- hungry as a hippie

  My dick don't fit down the chimney

  Your dick is like a kid from the Philippines

  My dick is like an M16

  Your dick- broken vending machine

  My dick parts the seas

  Your dick farts and queefs

  My dick- rumble in the jungle

  Your dick got touched by your uncle

  My dick goes to yoga

  Your dick- fruit roll-up

  My dick- grade-A beef

  Your dick- Mayday geek

  My dick- sick and dangerous

  Your dick- quick and painless

  My dick- 'nuff said.

  Your dick loves Fred

  It's time that we let the world know

  Dude, you gotta let your girl go

  D.S. is the best in the business

  P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

  It's time that we let the world know

  Dude, you gotta let your girl go

  D.S. is the best in the business

  P.S. we got dicks like Jesus



  我打算用来做手机铃声适合妈妈的华为手机铃声 ,hia hia hia hia,邪恶的笑

  各位八公八婆适合妈妈的华为手机铃声 ,还有没有什么适合做铃声的、怪怪的音乐推荐?


mickey avalon

标签: 一首 其实 适合 发现 手机铃声
